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Extraction Tool

This Python script,, is designed to efficiently extract metadata from DICOM files across a directory structure, leveraging advanced data processing libraries to handle large datasets effectively. The tool outputs the extracted metadata into a CSV file, providing a comprehensive overview of the DICOM files processed.


  • Python 3.7 or newer
  • pip (Python package installer)


Before running the script, ensure you have the required libraries installed. The primary libraries used in this version are pydicom, polars, tqdm, pandas, and portalocker. You can install these libraries using pip:

pip install pydicom polars tqdm pandas portalocker

Ensure all dependencies are installed successfully before proceeding to use the script.


Here's a breakdown of the code, its functionality, and potential points to consider:

Overall Purpose

The code is designed to extract metadata from DICOM files (a standard medical image format) and export the extracted data into a CSV file. Key features include:

  • Multiprocessing and Threading: It leverages parallel processing to efficiently handle multiple DICOM folders and files.
  • Data Cleaning: It handles missing values and ensures consistent data representation within the CSV.
  • Scalability: It's able to process large collections of DICOM files by breaking the work down into smaller chunks for processing.

Code Breakdown

Import Statements

  • concurrent.futures: Provides tools for running tasks concurrently using threads or processes.
  • tqdm: Displays progress bars during operations.
  • polars and pandas: Core data analysis libraries.
  • uuid: Generates unique identifiers.
  • os: For file system interactions.
  • sys: Access to system-level functions.
  • argparse: For command-line argument parsing.
  • pydicom: Library for handling DICOM files.
  • json: For loading and saving JSON data.
  • shutil: For file and directory operations.
  • warnings: To suppress warnings from the pydicom library.
  • portalocker: Manages file locking to prevent simultaneous updates.


  1. dicom_tag_to_dict(dicom_file_path) [Source]

    def dicom_tag_to_dict(dicom_file_path):
        dcm_dict = pydicom._dicom_dict.DicomDictionary
        dicom_file = pydicom.dcmread(
            dicom_file_path, specific_tags=list(dcm_dict.keys())[:-14]
        results_tag_dict = {}
        def process_element(element, prefix=""):
            if isinstance(element, pydicom.DataElement) and not isinstance(
                element.value, pydicom.sequence.Sequence
                if not (
           >> 8 == 0x60 and ( & 0xFF) % 2 == 0
                ) and not in (0x7FE0, 0xFFFA, 0xFFFC, 0xFFFE):
                    tag_key = f"{prefix}{} {element.tag}"
                    results_tag_dict[tag_key] = element.value
            elif isinstance(element, pydicom.Dataset) or isinstance(
                element.value, pydicom.sequence.Sequence
                prefix = (
                    f"{prefix}{} {element.tag} - "
                    if isinstance(element, pydicom.DataElement)
                    else prefix
                for sub_element in (
                    element if isinstance(element, pydicom.Dataset) else element.value
                    process_element(sub_element, prefix)
        return results_tag_dict

    • Loads a DICOM file with pydicom.
    • Extracts specific metadata tags, avoiding overlay and private tags for cleaner results.
    • Recursively processes elements within the DICOM data structure, storing extracted tags and values in a dictionary.
  2. stringify_value(value) [Source]

    def stringify_value(value):
        if value is None:
            return "N/A"
        elif isinstance(value, bytes):
            return value.hex()
                return (
                    if isinstance(value, (list, dict, set))
                    else str(value)
            except Exception as e:
                return f"Error: {str(e)}"
    • Converts different data types into string representations suitable for CSV output.
    • Serializes lists, dictionaries, and sets using JSON.
    • Handles errors that might occur during conversion.
  3. process_file(filepath) [Source]

    def process_file(filepath):
            dicom_data = dicom_tag_to_dict(filepath)
            for key, value in dicom_data.items():
                dicom_data[key] = stringify_value(value)
            dicom_data["DicomPath"] = filepath
            return dicom_data
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error processing file {filepath}: {str(e)}")
            return {"DicomPath": filepath}
    • Calls dicom_tag_to_dict to extract metadata from a DICOM file.
    • Calls stringify_value to format the extracted values.
    • Adds the original file path to the data.
    • Includes error handling.
  4. process_folder(folder) [Source]

    def process_folder(folder):
        filepaths = [
            os.path.join(folder, f) for f in os.listdir(folder) if f.endswith(".dcm")
        chunk_size = 6
        chunks = [
            filepaths[i : i + chunk_size] for i in range(0, len(filepaths), chunk_size)
        all_results = []
        with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=6) as executor:
            future_to_chunk = {
                executor.submit(process_files_chunk, chunk): chunk for chunk in chunks
            for future in as_completed(future_to_chunk):
        return all_results
    • Gets a list of DICOM files in a folder.
    • Splits files into chunks for parallel processing.
    • Uses ProcessPoolExecutor to distribute process_files_chunk across multiple processes.
  5. process_files_chunk(filepaths) [Source]

    def process_files_chunk(filepaths):
        return [process_file(filepath) for filepath in filepaths]
    • Calls process_file for each DICOM file within the chunk.
  6. create_temp_dir(output_path) [Source]

    def create_temp_dir(output_path):
        base_dir = os.path.dirname(output_path)
        temp_dir_name = "temp_processing"
        temp_dir_path = os.path.join(base_dir, temp_dir_name)
        os.makedirs(temp_dir_path, exist_ok=True)
        return temp_dir_path
    • Creates a temporary directory to store intermediate results.
  7. save_partial_results(folder_results, temp_dir, index) [Source]

    def save_partial_results(folder_results, temp_dir, index):
        unique_id = uuid.uuid4()
        partial_output = os.path.join(temp_dir, f"part_{index}_{unique_id}.json")
        with open(partial_output, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
            json.dump(folder_results, file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
    • Saves a chunk of processed results as a JSON file in the temporary directory.
  8. replace_with_none(value) [Source]

    def replace_with_none(value):
        if value in ["", "N/A", "None", "NONE", None]:
            return None
            return value
    • Replaces empty values with None for cleaner CSV representation.
  9. merge_partial_results_and_cleanup(temp_dir, output_path) [Source]

    def merge_partial_results_and_cleanup(temp_dir, output_path):
            f"\nMergging all partial results into {output_path} and cleaning up temporary files..."
        partial_files = [
            os.path.join(temp_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(temp_dir) if f.endswith(".json")
        if not partial_files:
            print("No DICOM files were processed. No CSV file will be generated.")
        all_data = []
        for json_file in partial_files:
                with open(json_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
                    data = json.load(file)
            except Exception as e:
                print(f"Failed to load {json_file}: {e}")
        final_df = pl.from_pandas(pd.DataFrame(all_data))
        final_df = final_df.with_columns(pl.all().map_elements(replace_with_none))
        final_df = final_df[
            [ for s in final_df if not (s.null_count() == final_df.height)]
    • Loads partial results from JSON files.
    • Converts data into a Polars dataframe, handling missing values.
    • Saves the final dataframe as a CSV file.
    • Deletes the temporary directory
  10. load_processed_folders(base_dir) [Source]

    def load_processed_folders(base_dir):
            with open(f"{base_dir}/processed_folders.json", "r") as file:
                portalocker.lock(file, portalocker.LOCK_SH)
                data = json.load(file)
                return set(data)
        except FileNotFoundError:
            return set()
        except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
            return set()
    • Loads a list of previously processed folders to avoid redundant work.
  11. mark_folder_as_processed(folder, output_path) [Source]

    def mark_folder_as_processed(folder, output_path):
        base_dir = os.path.dirname(output_path)
        processed = load_processed_folders(base_dir)
        with open(f"{base_dir}/processed_folders.json", "w") as file:
            portalocker.lock(file, portalocker.LOCK_EX)
            json.dump(list(processed), file)
    • Updates tracking of processed folders to prevent reprocessing.
  12. check_dcm_files(directory) [Source]

    def check_dcm_files(directory):
        """Check if a directory contains any .dcm files."""
        for subdir, _, files in os.walk(directory):
            if any(fname.endswith(".dcm") for fname in files):
                return subdir
        return None
    * It checks if a directory contains any .dcm files.

  13. find_dcm_folders(root_dir) [Source]

    def find_dcm_folders(root_dir):
        with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=4) as executor:
            futures = {
                executor.submit(check_dcm_files, os.path.join(root_dir, subdir)): subdir
                for subdir, _, _ in os.walk(root_dir)
            dcm_folders = []
            for future in tqdm(
                as_completed(futures), total=len(futures), desc="Checking directories"
                result = future.result()
                if result:
        dcm_folders = list(set(dcm_folders))
        return dcm_folders
    • Locates subfolders containing DICOM files using a ThreadPoolExecutor.
  14. process_folder_and_save_results(...) [Source]

    def process_folder_and_save_results(folder, temp_dir, processed_folders, output_path):
        if folder not in processed_folders:
            folder_results = process_folder(folder)
            save_partial_results(folder_results, temp_dir, len(os.listdir(temp_dir)))
            mark_folder_as_processed(folder, output_path)
    • Processes a folder if it hasn't been processed before and saves partial results
  15. collect_and_process_dicom_data(...) [Source]

    def collect_and_process_dicom_data(root_dir, output_path):
        base_dir = os.path.dirname(output_path)
        temp_dir = create_temp_dir(output_path)
        dcm_folders = find_dcm_folders(root_dir)
        processed_folders = load_processed_folders(base_dir)
        with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=12) as executor:
            futures = [
                for folder in dcm_folders
            for future in tqdm(
                as_completed(futures), total=len(futures), desc="Processing folders"
                folder_processed = future.result()
        merge_partial_results_and_cleanup(temp_dir, output_path)
    • Core orchestration: Finds folders, processes them in parallel, merges final results.